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Bridge Business College, Australia

Peringkat: -

Berdiri Sejak: 1991
Cabang Kampus: Sidney

Bridge Business College, Australia

Bagi anda yang ingin kuliah dan studi di Bridge Business College, Australia. Berikut informasi sekolahnya :

Bridge Business College (called ‘Bridge’ or ‘BBC’) was established in 1991 as a privately owned Registered Training Organisation (RTO). The college initially worked with government employment agencies delivering training to the unemployed. Bridge then developed a program for international students.

Bridge has built a strong reputation for providing excellent service to students and for being a unique college. What makes us unique is the culture of our organisation; our mission is to help students take the next step in their personal life journey. After 24 years we are one of the oldest CRICOS (The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students) providers in Australia.

In 2005, there was a change of ownership and a new management team was appointed. In recent years Bridge has achieved significant growth and boasts one of the best academic programs on offer for students today.

Bridge has over 60 different student nationalities enrolled while we are currently expanding into new markets in Europe and Northern Asia. Bridge continues to look for innovative ways to maintain growth and relevance in a dynamically changing world.

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(021) 6667.0204
(021) 5422.0200
(021) 6667.0206
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