Bagi anda yang ingin kuliah di Intensive English Language Institute (IELI), Australia. Berikut informasi sekolahnya :
IELI is committed to working with students to provide the best English language education and service possible. We believe that communication is the key to providing good service and helping students get the most benefit from our programs. We cannot promise that everything will be perfect during your stay. However, we will work hard to communicate with students, and listen to their concerns. We will not always be able to meet all student expectations, but we promise to explain our policies and courses carefully and to help students adjust to differences in culture and educational style. Because good service depends on clear communication, we ask that students work with us to create the best school possible.
IELI starts at a beginner level and helps students build their English ability step by step. Each level teaches new language skills and gives students a lot of practice and feedback to help them use new structures and expressions.
Students are placed separately by skill area (reading and writing, listening and speaking). For example, if your speaking is better than your writing, you will be placed in a higher level speaking class and a lower level writing class. You can challenge yourself to improve in your strong areas and get some extra help to improve in your weak areas.
The IELI curriculum will help you become more fluent in English as well as focussing on pronunciation, accuracy, and organisational structure. This balance between many aspects of English helps students reach the highest possible standard of English for their success in the future.
The IELI curriculum is not easy. Students are expected to work hard, to ask questions, and to use every opportunity to use and improve their language skills. Teachers and students work together to help every student reach his or her goals as quickly as possible.
Ingin mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut mengenai kuliah di Intensive English Language Institute (IELI), Australia (universitas di Australia) ? Silahkan menghubungi tim konsultan pendidikan luar negeri kami di nomor bawah ini :
(021) 5421.0200
(021) 6667.0204
(021) 5422.0200
(021) 6667.0206
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Official Line kami: @icaneducation (jangan lupa pakai @ ya)
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